ZEN ACCREDITATION is an INTERNATIONAL, professional accreditation company, created for complementary therapists by complementary therapists and course providers with over 70 years combined knowledge, professional experience in teaching and practice at an international level.

We specialise in clear, professional and affordable Practitioner and Course Provider Accreditation services for complementary and alternative therapists that are aimed at promoting self-development, healing and wellbeing.

We recognised that choosing to be Accredited means that you hold yourself and your work to a higher standard.
We offer Accreditation to a wide range of complementary therapies as well as course providers

Complementary Therapists

If you are an individual Practitioner and you want recognition for you work, qualifications and a higher standing in your field of expertise, an Accreditation will enhance your status, improve your presentation and will increase your exposure to an international clientele, then you are in the right place.


Application Form for Short Course Providers

Short courses are identified as being under 6 months.  This can be anything from a weekly evening class to courses that run over a few weekends.


Application Form for Long Course Providers

Long courses are identified as being over 6 months.  As long as your course extends over a 6 month period then you are in the right place.  You must have a minimum of 1 years’ professional practice in your qualified therapy to apply to teach a long course.


Metaphysical Practitioner’s

Accreditation for psychics, mediums, shamans, diviners, geomancers and astrologers is available at Zen Accreditation.  We refer to this group of alternative practitioners collectively as ‘Metaphysical Practitioners’.  The criteria for metaphysical practitioners is different from certified and qualitied complementary therapists as there is no one established educational set training program for this group.  While some metaphysical practitioners are certificated through private and independent courses, the very nature of the work that metaphysical practitioners undertake, and the unique journey of training involved; Accreditation is therefore subsequently based on experience, reputation and validation.